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Movies That Made Us Gay

Aug 5, 2022

"I believe I have the first sentence." We watched The Hours (2002) with MTMUG SuperStar Jackson Cooper and we are ready to get sad!  Can you believe this titan of gayness of 20 years old?  The sheer star power of Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore is enough to power all of West Hollywood for a month! We talk about where we were when we realized this wasn't just a movie about glamourous and nervous white ladies,but about lesbians through the ages. Nicole Kidman (and to some degree her facial prosthetics) as the salty Virginia Woolf may have won the Oscar, but Julianne Moore as unfulfilled melancholic housewife Laura Brown really stuck with us when we first saw this as baby gays. The big reveal (20 year old spoiler alert) had us all geeked, gagged and gooped and we're still recovering. Even the ultra-dramatic cacophany of the Philip Glass score is somehow super gay. Nic may not have known it yet then but this movie proves that our heroes really do feel like the best parts of us and stories really do feel perfect and powerful.  Well, you know the rest.

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Peter Lozano: Twitter/Instagram @peterlasagna