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Movies That Made Us Gay

Feb 16, 2023

"You know friend, this is a god damn bitch of an unsatifsactory situation." In honor of MTMUG season five we talk about the tragic gay couple to end all gay couples, Brokeback Mountain!  I wish we knew how to quit Ang Lee's dramatic masterpiece that made an indent in mainstream queer cinema back in 2005. Brokeback Mountain nominated both of its leads Heath Ledger, and our Jakey Poo for Oscars. They convincingly play these roles for the 20-year span of Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist relationship. Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway are doing equally solid work as their sidelined wives. Sure Michelle's big "Jack Nasty" kitchen scene cemented her first  nomination, but our Annie's rodeo queen is just as great. Her big phonecall scene with Heath is a masterclass, that should have at least been nominated for best supporting wig at least! Topics discussed in the episode are rural America Grindr culture, its iconique classic cowboy costumes, the brief apperance by bear icon David Harbor, and the very controversal best picture loss to Crash. Has Oscar loss ever sung more? Put on your pearl and snap western shirt, black cowboy hat, and play your favorite Emmylou Harris song on the truck radio. It's a love that will never grow old, Brokeback Mountain.