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Movies That Made Us Gay

Dec 25, 2020

Honey, I'm home... oh that's right, I'm not married.  We watched Batman Returns (1992) with our resident bat-guest Dylan Hay-Chapman and suddenly we feel so much yummier.  Before Robin was around to spark a sexual awakening, there was Selena Kyle AKA Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer) to awaken our inner villainess. Clearly...

Dec 18, 2020

It’s Christmas in the Playhouse and we’re gonna have a lot of fun! We watched Christmas at Pee-wee’s Playhouse (1988) with our friend Jared Anderson and we’ve gotta call you back - we’ve got Dinah Shore on the other line!  This special episode of the Playhouse is filled with more queer and camp icons than...

Dec 11, 2020

Whats your damage Heather?!! We watched Heathers (1989) with our friend Goldyn Gunville and our teen-angst BS has a body count! We learned everything we needed to know about high school life from this movie.  Didn't everyone wear structured blazers to class, write in their diary in oversized flowery scrawl while wearing...

Dec 4, 2020

We have achieved Leo Mania.  Officially!  We watched Titanic (1997) with our friend Jennifer Mrazek and we promise to never let go!  Do you remember where you were when you first saw Titanic? We do - all 15 times between us.  We reminisce about this James Cameron directed classic that united the world.  Sold out lines...

Nov 27, 2020

Break out your “Schizos and Serial Killers” trading cards, we watched Addams Family Values (1993) with our friend Andy Ur and we’re all Graceful, Delicate Ballerinas!  As Thanksgiving movies go, this is… really the only one we could think of.  This movie is full of more queer subtext than you can shake a stick...