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Movies That Made Us Gay

Nov 13, 2020

You're terrible Muriel. Or is it Mariel? We watched Muriel's Wedding (1994) with our friend Devin Lotfi (I Don't Want to Hear That Podcast) and our lives are just as good as an Abba song. Get ready to listen to some questionable Aussie accents as we recount this mid-90's gem that introduced the world to ICON Toni Collette.  Muriel (Collette) yearns to leave her oppressive family, evil friends and and boring town of Porpoise Spit for the big city life in Sydney. She just happens to steal thousands to get there.  Hey, if my mom handed me blank check to kick off my burgeoning MLM business I just might embezzle a grand or two to start a new life myself. Some of you might mis-remember this as a lighthearted comedy but we're here to tell you it gets dark - but only right before Muriel gets her happy ending. Indeed her life is just as good as Dancing Queen.