Jun 30, 2023
It's a MTMUG rerun! We don't have a new episode this week, but we reached into our back cataloge and found the Extended Cut of Superman II with our buddy Billy Roach that originally aired May 6th 2021. This "Extended Cut" keeps in a few tangents that didn't make the original episode. With the annoucment of David...
Jun 23, 2023
"Let's head along and hit the Jacuzzi. I do my best thinking in there." We watched "Hard Ticket to Hawaii" (1987) with the amazing Millie De Chirico from "I Saw What You Did" Podcast and we've got a tiny plane to catch! This movie may be part of the Bullets Bombs and Babes collection but it is High Camp and we are here...
Jun 16, 2023
"What did you say Stanley? You said No Hookers!" We watched the early Tom Hanks sex romp "Bachelor Party" (1984) with one of our favorite straights Chris Cirigliano (Very Special Television Podcast) and please don't cancel us for this one! They really don't make sex comedies the way they used to. Okay this may in fact...
Jun 9, 2023
“I have never known birds of different species to flock together. Why, if that happened we wouldn’t stand a chance!” We watched The Birds (1963) directed by Alfred Hitchcock and if you need us we’ll be jumping into fountains in Rome. We spend a lot of time defending this movie from its camp reputation but we...
Jun 2, 2023
"Obviously, Doctor, you've never been a thirteen year old girl." We watched The Virgin Suicides (1999) with our friend Espie Quintero and we all want to live in a world directed by Sofia Coppola. We can't help but fall in love with the gauzy soft-focus, the spot-on '70s soundtrack and the ethereal songs by...