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Movies That Made Us Gay

Feb 24, 2023

"By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me." We watched The Devil Wears Prada (2006) with our friend Paul from That Aged Well podcast and we need 10 or 15 skirts from Calvin Klein. Rigt NOW. We're not here to weigh the likeability of one miss Anne Hathaway.  (We're her for her. Deal with it.) We...

Feb 16, 2023

"You know friend, this is a god damn bitch of an unsatifsactory situation." In honor of MTMUG season five we talk about the tragic gay couple to end all gay couples, Brokeback Mountain!  I wish we knew how to quit Ang Lee's dramatic masterpiece that made an indent in mainstream queer cinema back in 2005. Brokeback...